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    « A heartfelt post about child labor in Ivory Coast from fellow Fair Trader Beth of Bambootique | Main | A Video Clip from Go Green Expo NY with Theonista Debra Music »

    April 29, 2008


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    Darn, this sounds really good, but I'm going to be doing something far less healthy. That's meeting time for Seattle Pipe Club.

    Perhaps I should do some "research" into chocolates that go well with pipe smoking?

    As an aside, I'm curious, does the Typepad system generate some sort of file that can be imported into calendar programs, like an iCalendar file?

    Kiki Kane

    Hallo! I think Pipes and Single Malts are the way to go.

    As far as iCal goes, the closest thing is an optional "share this" widget at the bottom of posts that you can use to send it to lots of places like facebook or twitter or whatnot. Andy says you should write one! :) You can set up a Google calendar in the sidebar but it doesn't really share events back and forth handily with the other calendar apps.


    brian glanz

    "find your own seattle, while debating web software over an organic tea tasting, after meditation at a fair trade chocolate factory."

    what an offer! thx theo, and thx mango power girl for the heads up. i'm reorganizing to get to it :D /bg

    Kiki Kane

    is a lovely response from a Bliss-goer! The beer was actually courtesy of Whole Foods Market Westlake, and the lovely Christina Stauss, Specialty Department Team Leader and Beergeek Extraordinaire. Everyone had a lovely time and I had a lot of fun turning folks on to Beer and Chocolate pairings!


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