This just in from the Midwestern front!
[following is a true communiqué from the front lines]:
Good Morning, One of our 4th grade students wrote to your chocolate factory for a school project. Your business was so kind in sending a chocolate bar to him. Unfortunately, two high school bullies pulled the candy out of his school bag and ate it front of him. He was brought to tears. Our bus driver and school personnel felt this is a lesson learned for the child. I, on the other hand, would like to replace the candy bar with the beautiful wrapper for this child that was so grateful to receive it in the first place. I would be happy to send you the money for your trouble.
Comrade Jahnke is sending in reinforcements to beat back the bully-boy battalion... and some replacement chocolate!
Lesson learned? What sort of lesson? "Might makes right" "We can't help you little one because law suits would follow" "We believe that Ender kid had it right, just don't kill your tormentors on school property"
I want the name and address of this school. Unless they have a better explanation, they deserve a heap of bad press.
Posted by: tudza | May 22, 2009 at 02:17 PM